We’ve created a place where you are supported.
Caregiver Support Group
Presented by Bodhi Counseling in Partnership with Greenhouse Wellness and Physical Therapy
- Bodhi Counseling in Partnership with Greenhouse Wellness and Physical Therapy
- Open to anyone who identifies as a caregiver of someone who has health concerns.
- A unique and compassionate support group. A place to relax, center, and find support from others who can relate.
- A space to focus on you and your needs.
- Light refreshments provided
Located on the beautiful grounds of Greenhouse Wellness and Physical Therapy, 647-B Blake Road, Elkton, MD, 21921
- The first meeting is Tuesday 9/20
- Investment: $1o per group
- For more information please email us at info@bodhicounseling.com
Next Group:
- Every Tuesday 5PM to 6PM
To register visit
- https://forms.office.com/r/cUX6vBH7yA
- or scan the QR code below